A tabular dataset ready for machine learning applications
Retrieved snow depth in Mainland Norway (2018.10-2022.10) based on ICESat-2 ATL 08 and DEMs
ICESat-2 vs DTM1, DTM10, Copernicus30, FABDEM
Dataset is available on Zenodo
My thesis in a page
Advancements in Snow Depth Retrieval Using Satellite Altimetry and Machine Learning
My Poster at LATICE 2023
Snow Depth from Satellite Laser Altimetry - Co-registration, Bias Correction, and Statistical Downscaling
My talk at SDG 2023
The scerets behind the snow depth
NuthKaab Coreg vs Gradient Descent Coreg
I just created the best ever coreg tool?
DEM Coreg is a bound-restricted minimizing problem
but suffering from noise